Website Disclaimer Notice

The content of the pages of this website is for your general information and use only and is subject to change without notice.  Better Mood Clinic of South Georgia, LLC provides information on the site to inform our patients, and visitors to our website, of the services provided.  The information on this website is not a substitute for professional psychiatric or behavioral health care, and medical advice and services are not being offered.  If think you have a psychiatric issue, you should consult a psychiatrist.

We try to keep our website information up-to-date, however, if you have a specific question, please feel free to contact us.

Information over the internet is not a confidential way to communicate your medical/psychiatric problems.  Don't provide us personal information other than a name and phone number to reach you.

The BMC website contains materials which are owned by or licensed to Better Mood Clinic of South Georgia, LLC. Unauthorized use of this website or material contained within may give rise to a claim for damages. This material includes but is not limited to: the design, layout, look, appearances, and graphics. Reproduction is prohibited.  You may not create a link to this website from another website or document without prior written permission from the Better Mood Clinic of South Georgia, LLC.



Better Mood Clinic of South Georgia, LLC  © 2009-2023- All Rights Reserved